I never even bothered to see the final Pirates movie due to the ridiculousness that was added to each sequel over...

I never even bothered to see the final Pirates movie due to the ridiculousness that was added to each sequel over the years. I had no intention of seeing this movie in theaters because it looks to over-the-top in the trailers.



Brenda Curtis said…
Jason, it's called "fun"
Now go yell at someone to get off your lawn.
trench coat said…
It's a shame to have watched both Tim Burton and Johnny Depp almost simultaneously self-destruct artistically. Burton fell prior to Depp, but Depp has definitely fallen as well.

I somewhat expected it from Burton, but Depp caught me off-guard.

What was the last great film Depp was in? Chocolat? I think maybe so, and that was in 2000. Around the time Burton made the awful Planet of the Apes reboot. Horrible, horrible film.

Money does this.
Jason ON said…
I was going to say "money" trench coat, but you nailed it on the head. Plus, I think the Disney execs are more after the 7-14 year olds who appreciate cartoon style action over seriousness.

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