
Gah! My Chevy Tahoe needs new brakes (and possibly rotors). I've been online all morning trying to find out more information about pads (which are better quality by brand, etc) and everyone's saying the same thing: these are great, but...

It's been so long, maybe 6 years, since I put brakes on the Tahoe that I can't recall what I actually put on there: ceramic (I think), semi-metallic, organic (which I doubt since it's been so long).

I could have sworn I put carbon fiber break pads on the truck and that's why they lasted so long, but I can't seem to find CF pads at any of the local store. Am I just remembering that wrong?

Anywho, being mechanically declined as I am, I'm open to suggestions before I rear end some unsuspecting person in front of me. 

The symptoms I'm having are similar to this description (left/driver's side):

A couple of nights ago, on my way home, I was hearing a very loud grinding noise coming from my front left. I let my truck sit for about 24hrs while I got a ride to work. I drove it around my neighborhood just to see if it was a fluke. Still grinding.

While this guy fixed his issue easily, this is the same problem I'm running across. Seems to be louder when I start and the rotor is cold versus after driving down the street and back.


Nate Taylor said…
greg schulte Any ideas?
greg schulte said…
my thoughts on brakes : while a ceramic or harder pad lasts longer, they tend to wear out rotors , I go with a economy pad , I think they stop better ,check your rotor for roughness or grooves by feeling them when cold ,O Rielly auto still grinds rotors if not worn too thin , new is always better in my opinion , , I can replace pads and rotors for you for 60$ if you can drive it to Arvada
Nate Taylor said…
Maybe noteworthy greg schulte, I believe Jason ON regularly takes his truck offroading. With that in mind, would economy pads be sufficient?
greg schulte said…
I believe the softer compound grabs better , just wears faster ,thats why they have "wear indicators " that squeal when worn
Nate Taylor said…
Right on. Makes sense.
Jason ON said…
After a terrible experience at Advanced Auto Parts, I'm grabbing brake pads and rotors at O'Reillys. Fifteen year old rotors needed replaced and I'm picking up semi-metallic pads with a lifetime warranty.
Most likely that was the grindin noise. But I would take the rotors to NAPA first an see if they can re cut them for ya. Cheaper that new rotors.
Jason ON said…
Curtis Edenfield , my rotors are so rusted through it was embarrassing when I pulled the tire off. I'll take pictures when I get back.
Nick McIntosh said…
I'll echo what's already been said. Ceramics are harder and last longer. I also find them to be quieter. Semi metallic are softer, which means better braking but you burn through them faster and they leave brake dust gunk all over your car. I bought my rotors/pads from They have a lifetime no warp guarantee on the rotors and so far I'm completely satisfied. They're also made in the USA.
greg schulte said…
Yea,Brake dust is a problem of "softer" pads,but 20$ per year,and better performance is worth it in my opinion,
Jason ON said…
I can't recall what I put on the truck years ago, but I never had a problem with stopping, dust or anything else. Again, I want to say they were CF pads and the guy at the auto-parts store said the dust would heat and mold back into the pad or something like that.

I thank you for your offer, greg schulte, but I was able to get the pads and the rotors (I had to replace the rotors) in about an hour at my friend's house.
IMO, using the same type of brake pad composition that the truck came with from the manufacturer, is the best all around pad for wear, noise, and minimal brake dust. Thats what I always used when replacing pads on my customer cars

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