Yeah, #ithappenedinflorida and it was weird. Really weird. Florida should be it's own reality show.

Yeah, #ithappenedinflorida  and it was weird. Really weird. Florida should be it's own reality show. 

Originally shared by NBC 6 South Florida

THE YEAR IN WEIRD FLORIDA: In 2012, Florida was a state where a lifeguard got fired for saving a life, a woman got arrested for riding a manatee and a man repeatedly used 911 as a phone sex service.

Here is a recap of the year’s weirdest news stories statewide >>>

Which story do you think was the strangest of 2012?


But it is.  The newspapers and "news" is exactly that already.
Glenard Munson said…
Riding a manatee, an endangered species (also called a sea cow...the manatee, not the woman on top!), is a violation of State Law. This particular story doesn't qualify as strange...just sad.

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