Did you like or dislike Prometheus? Are you an archaeologist?

Did you like or dislike Prometheus? Are you an archaeologist?


Jason ON said…
I made that same argument earlier, Alexander S. Kunz. Another GPlusser posted a blog about how ridiculous the TV show Arrow is and I came back with a couple of things but summed it up with: it's not meant to be a cognitive stimulating experience.

I get it, we go to movies and watch TV to escape from the real world, to live for an hour or two in another world, a world that doesn't have to be based in reality.

I, too, liked Prometheus, and I think everyone nitpicking at the tiniest of details is ridonkulous. The story was about every story created by mankind: who are we, or who am I? It's no less 'fantasy' than the Alien it's purported to precede, or Batman or Bladerunner.

But, I am a glutton for information. It's my downfall. I really enjoy learning about the reality behind the fiction.
Jason ON I accompany other people to the movies for those reasons, but that is not why I go.

I adore cerebral films.  Few directors make cerebral films.  Aaronofsky is a favorite.

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