Lauren Blocked Me for Being a Troll
Somehow I was labeled an internet "Troll" by Lauren after daring to post on one of his anti-gun Google+ posts that the real issue with Friday's massacre isn't that people have guns, it's the people themselves that are dangerous. He deleted my comment and then commented that no "NRA propaganda" will be allowed in his stream. I then posted a comment asking why my post was deleted then, since I did not mention the NRA (I actually dislike the NRA) but merely stated it's people who go about shooting others, not guns themselves. He then deleted my comment again and said he blocked me.
I'm getting really fed up with with internet, lately. Especially Google+. I have "known" Lauren for years. We have talked many time about politics, technology and current events. Now that I think about it, he never comments on anyone else's posts but his own and that's after someone comments on his.
Regardless, how is trying to have a discussion about a subject "trolling?" I dislike the NRA. I dislike their lobbying and their agenda. I have told them so when they tried to recruit me (I am a white, gun owning veteran, after all) and I have publicly told others, both in person and social media.
Just because I happen to believe the root cause of gun violence isn't the guns themselves doesn't mean I agree or support the NRA. I believe the root cause of any violence is much deeper than an individual action or the tool used to bring about that action. In gun violence, obviously it's a gun. However, a gun didn't shoot itself; a gun didn't drive itself to a school; a gun didn't target innocent children and teachers and a gun didn't load and re-load itself.
A person did.
But apparently that opinion will label someone a "troll" and be block-worthy. Especially by someone whom I've been connected and friendly with for (three?) years.
I sent Lauren an email with a link to this above blog post and his response was just as disregarding of other points-of-view as his above post:
I'm getting really fed up with with internet, lately. Especially Google+. I have "known" Lauren for years. We have talked many time about politics, technology and current events. Now that I think about it, he never comments on anyone else's posts but his own and that's after someone comments on his.
Regardless, how is trying to have a discussion about a subject "trolling?" I dislike the NRA. I dislike their lobbying and their agenda. I have told them so when they tried to recruit me (I am a white, gun owning veteran, after all) and I have publicly told others, both in person and social media.
Just because I happen to believe the root cause of gun violence isn't the guns themselves doesn't mean I agree or support the NRA. I believe the root cause of any violence is much deeper than an individual action or the tool used to bring about that action. In gun violence, obviously it's a gun. However, a gun didn't shoot itself; a gun didn't drive itself to a school; a gun didn't target innocent children and teachers and a gun didn't load and re-load itself.
A person did.
But apparently that opinion will label someone a "troll" and be block-worthy. Especially by someone whom I've been connected and friendly with for (three?) years.
I sent Lauren an email with a link to this above blog post and his response was just as disregarding of other points-of-view as his above post:
I am sick to death over the death of 20 beautiful children, and I am
similarly sick to death of gun apologists. They have wiggled and
schemed and lobbied and lied and turned this country into the
laughingstock of the world. And when someone -- anyone, I don't care who --
figures that an asinine statement like "guns don't kill people, people do"
is going to advance a discussion by one iota, my patience is gone. There
is no room for discussion on the basics of this -- with me -- any more.
Guns shows must meet the same rules as gun stores. Private ownership of
assault style weapons and associated ammunition systems must be restricted.
Past that, I'm open for discussion. Since your opening comment on the
thread in question was the quintessential NRA platitude, I saw no evidence
of your being willing to accept those initial two premises. If I'm
wrong in that assumption, do let me know. Otherwise, I'm afraid my
capacity for continued communication, friendship, or whatever you want
to call it with you has been decimated by those tiny little bodies in
holiday clothing, riddled with bullet holes from a Bushmaster, and the
slimy faces of the gun fetishists in interviews spouting their "what we
really need is more guns!" excrement. I'm sure there are people out there
willing to conduct endless scholarly discussions on such points. I'm not.