I think by now everyone in the world with an internet connection has heard about the shooting at the elementary...
I think by now everyone in the world with an internet connection has heard about the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut. I've seen posts all over G+ detailing how we need to take guns away from people, more gun control, limiting access to firearms, etc. I've also see posts demonstrating how a world without guns doesn't stop people from inflicting damage, such as the knife attack at a school in china today.
My take is this:
Human beings found ways to be horrific to each other for tens of thousands of years before guns were invented. We threw stones, we launched spears, we fired arrows; we set warhorses to trampling people and used fire to burn villages.
Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem. People are highly stressed and they're angry. Some are even suffering actual biological mental problems. However, we don't have methods to detect and assist people who are suffering.
Gun violence isn't a problem, it's an indicator of a problem. As a society, as a modern world, we need to look at the root causes of why people feel the need to lash out not just have a gut-reaction and take away the tools one used to strike out, whether that tool is a gun, a bomb, a sword or a car.
My take is this:
Human beings found ways to be horrific to each other for tens of thousands of years before guns were invented. We threw stones, we launched spears, we fired arrows; we set warhorses to trampling people and used fire to burn villages.
Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem. People are highly stressed and they're angry. Some are even suffering actual biological mental problems. However, we don't have methods to detect and assist people who are suffering.
Gun violence isn't a problem, it's an indicator of a problem. As a society, as a modern world, we need to look at the root causes of why people feel the need to lash out not just have a gut-reaction and take away the tools one used to strike out, whether that tool is a gun, a bomb, a sword or a car.
Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem. People are highly stressed and they're angry. Some are even suffering actual biological mental problems. However, we don't have methods to detect and assist people who are suffering.
Gun violence isn't a problem, it's an indicator of a problem.
I try my best when anything tragic happens, to let it rest for a day or week, or however long (to the tragedy) that the families of those involved need to grieve. They don't need our opinions.
And yes, I know I agreed with Jason ON, and he's right. Humans, have always been killers when pushed to a point-of-no-return.
Also, I am a gun owner, yet I think the NRA are a bunch of tools and have told them so when they try to recruit me. I am a veteran of the armed forces of the United States and have carried a gun in defense of myself and others. And right now, in my bedroom there are four guns, loaded, not hurting anyone. They're not walking around, they're not looking for a target and they're not angry. They're just hunks of metal and carbon-composite materials taking up space until I, the human being in this scenario, decided to do something with them. Heck, right now one is even chambered and cocked, needing only a pull of the trigger to be fired.
the person doing the killing!
Guns are a tool. Nothing more. People will always find a way to kill other people.
Also, you're saying I can't hold your head underwater until you die? It only takes a few minutes. The pool scenario works.
Look, all of you: you're trying to nitpick but the fact of the matter is people love killing other people. As I said, as Nolan L said, we'll use sticks and stones, we'll use arrows and swords, we'll use guns and bombs. We love killing each other and we will find a way.
The root problem here isn't that someone used a gun, the root problem is WHY a person would want to do this to other people, especially children.
As I said before, my guns are in the other room: they're not angry, they're not spiteful, and they're not stressed. They're sitting there doing absolutely nothing as guns will until a human being picks them up.''
The same with a car. More people dies from auto crashes every year than gunfire and yet no one blames the car, we blame the driver, or the weather or in some rare cases a malfunction.
When an airplane hit each of the twin towers we didn't blame the airplane or even the pilots, we blamed the guys with tweezers -- because as we all know, a guy with tweezers can be over-run before he does too much damage.
Blaming guns for the actions of Man is ridiculous!
I also notice you failed to provide a source for your earlier claims as I requested.
While we're at it religion has been the cause of more death and suffering than any other source in the history of the world. let's strike that freedom down too. We're all Janes now. They're pacifists and won't even hurt a bug.