A rose by any other name?

A rose by any other name?

Originally shared by Peter William Lount

Christianity is a plagiarized mythology.


Kunal Katyayan said…
Facts about Krishna are totally wrong.. but.. but I get the point..
Kunal Katyayan, you're right. The Wikipedia page claims the date of birth to be 18 July. No mentions of any of the other facts except for the "born without sexual union" part.

That makes me wonder what else is wrong with the list.

If you want to make a point, it might be a good idea to get your facts straight.
Jason ON said…
I agree. I just passed it along. However, it is true the Christian's Jesus
is a conglomeration of previous deities.
Joe Lancaster said…
Elias MÃ¥rtenson but the picture doesn't even make reference to Krishna's birth date...
Jason ON definitely. That's fairly well known. I'm just saying that one's arguments gets a bit diminished if the facts are easily refuted.
Kunal Katyayan said…
Elias MÃ¥rtenson born without sexual union is the wrong info.. I know this since I belong to a Hindu family and somehow Krishna turns out to be one of the favorite(s). I wish I could give some pointers towards some good sources.. alas... I have none..
What I feel is .. people are not going time change because of this picture.. those who already believe in the message behind the picture will say .. ooo yeeee(insert what you like here)..
And those who don't will say ##! $@$@@&##/..
Kunal Katyayan I most definitely believe what you're saying. Having several Indian colleagues I have spent a few lunches trying to understand the details of the Hindu gods and their relations I know well how difficult it is to explain.
Maybe they're all the same dude?
Blake G. said…
Or all the same fairytale/myth
Marla Caldwell said…
Jesus was based on the others and they were based on astrological mythology. Jesus is the son/sun of God. The twelve disciples are the twelve houses of the zodiac. Three days is how long the sun is "dead" at the end of winter, before it is reborn and brings a new life to the world. There's a lot more, but that's the gist of it.

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