Two things:

Two things:

1- Google+ app, you just annoyed me.

2- Fox and Hound here thought a game was more important than the president's words on a national tragedy. A game that children play is apparently more important to this place than a few minutes of the President's time as he speak on, and expresses our national grief, the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut recently. A game, whose outcome will not change national policy, whose outcome will not create peace in any conflict and whose very existence is trivial compared to real world actions with real world implications.

The Fox and Hound in Lone Tree, CO apparently thinks having the President on one of over 26 teoevisions in the place is a waste of screen space.

Well, Fox and Hound, for choosing a children's game over national tragedy, I leave you never to return. And as I explained to the waitress, I may return, but I will not spend money here any longer.


Gem F said…
They shouldn't be playing the nonstop mournfest, sure, but a presidential address? Considering how rarely it happens, it seems like tuning in on a couple of screens in a place that's all about what's on wouldn't be out of the question.
Jason ON said…
That was my point, Gabi Fielden. The President broke into the football game to speak and then they found the game on another channel. 

So f*cking stupid.
Gem F said…
I was responding to ryan and didn't realize you meant they had actively changed the channel away from the presidential address. That is lame. If I were a customer id stop visiting too, but since I'm not they probably don't care that I won't be stopping in.

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