I didn't take a lot of pics from my motorcycle ride on Saturday, but I took these.

I didn't take a lot of pics from my motorcycle ride on Saturday, but I took these. The NOS bike pulled up while we were resting and the rider went and sat down without talking to anyone. But, if you ever wanted to attract the police to possible speeding, I guess this is the way to go.

Oh, and my SD card on my GoPro ran out of space within minutes of my hitting the shutter button. So the only thing on there is the back of a very slow car until it filled.


Damian Sanchez said…
Nice pics. I do have to wonder, street motorcycles are fast enough as it is, but is the NOS really necessary? I'm riding around in a normally aspirated Suzuki Bandit 1200 and can't imagine needing any more HP/torque from my machine. #justsaying

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