There is something that occurs on G+, and I'm sure other social media outlets, that really annoys me.

There is something that occurs on G+, and I'm sure other social media outlets, that really annoys me. Something I should have brought up before however I usually ended up talking myself out of actually saying anything. I think now's the time.

Linkshares with no comment.

Let me get this straight, I'm not talking about sharing someone's post (although the same annoyance applies), I'm talking about people who share from reader, from +1 buttons or who share via manually plugging an URL into the share box on +Google+.

I'm talking about those people who share a news story or a website without any comment of their own -- either they're sharing the content with no comment or they've cleverly copied and pasted a line or a paragraph from the content into their post, as though that somehow mitigates them from actually having to have an opinion on the matter.

I share a lot of content, especially from mobile GReader. And I'll admit, from mobile I keep my comments short and sweet, or maybe I'll just say something along the lines of, "I couldn't agree more," or "the author has it right." I'm at least demonstrating my opinion regarding the material instead of nothing at all. I'm at least inviting discussion.

However, there are a lot of G+ users who don't add anything to, or about, the content they're sharing. And that's all they do: share, share, share. I'm sorry, but I'm not here to read your newsfeed, your RSS feed or your friendfeed. I'm here to interact. if I want to read what you're reading I'll follow those sites myself. And some of them share so many so quickly you know they didn't get a chance to actually read the content they're sharing, which could be a reason they're not commenting on it, since they have no idea what they're sharing besides a headline.

And sure, they might follow the Washington Post while I follow the New York Times, or they might follow Cracked while I follow Wired, and therefore I'm getting content I might not normally see from my feeds, but there is a reason I'm not following those feeds. 

There are others, though, who seem to think that the entire world wants nothing more from them than to know what RSS' they're following and it's quite annoying. As I type this in the share box I'm actually seen a few more pop up into my Stream. I don't want to name names, but I'm going to start unCircling these people. Yes, sometimes, they'll interact if someone comments on their share, but they have nothing to offer in regards to an original thought or comment.

Anywho, if you discover that I'm no longer following you, that's probably why, especially if you're a prolific sharer without commenting on the content you're forwarding along.


John Sawyer said…
I am guilty as charged. I don't add a comment on most of my shares. I share and reshare content that I think should get publicity. I figure people who have circled me and read my posts that I have authored know my stand on most of the issues I share and reshare.
Jason ON said…
Well, that's certainly true. ;)
Lorie Johnson said…
I'll admit that I've done this on occassion- mostly for future reference on my part. (like collecting tips about the Nexus 7 I should get in a day or two) I expect that in a way, this is as annoying as my posting something interesting and insightful on here and just getting '+1' on it, instead of feedback. This is 'feedforward'.
I'll try to lessen the number of times I do this.
Jason ON said…
Just to note: the biggest perpetrators of this, the ones I'm speaking about, haven't commented to this post. These are people who post nothing but shares and even when they do they offer no personal comment to go along with it. For me and my heirarchy of things that annoy me, they're right up there with linkbaiters.
Jason ON said…
UnCircled two people today for this. One I can't recall, showing how important s/he was to my Stream, and the other I've been connected to since the days of GBuzz.
John Poteet said…
I think you're absolutely right. If you're putting a post up you should be telling us what about that post interest you even if it's just  a few words. If you're sharing a link from another poster and not interested in curating comments close your comments and direct them to the earlier node. Social media is about participation. 

There are a few egregious examples and I followed you over from one. I think your comment there would have been more productive if you had actually included the phrase "linkshares with no comment" in it.
Jason ON said…
Fair enough, John Poteet. Do you remember which post it was?
John Poteet said…
There you go. It's something I'd like to see get visibility but as you said we could go to reader if we weren't interested in the "social" aspect of this media.
Jason ON said…
Oh, that post. Okay. :) I'll try and add something like "linkshares with no comment" in the post if I make a comment about not following anymore. For the most part I haven't been commenting, but since I've followed Jim for so long I thought it was the least courtesy I could do.

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