So, this wasn't too far away.

So, this wasn't too far away. I'd guess, perhaps, 6 to 8 miles. Although I've only been to this theater once since I moved to Colorado, but I do have plans to see this movie later today.


Lorie Johnson said…
I'm horrified that small children and an infant were killed. Who brings an infant to a midnight movie? Or small kids?
Masha du Toit said…
This is so horrifying. Dont even know what to think.
Daryl Baines said…
I really annoys me when people bring infants to movies ... they inevitably can't be kept quiet, and I've paid good money to enjoy a cinematic experience without some screaming child distracting me all the time. Makes you just wanna ...
Beth B said…
I heard that the 3 month old infant was not injured, but was taken to a nearby hospital to get checked out since tear gas was in the theater.
Jason ON said…
You guys do know there is a bigger story here than whether or not young
children and/or infants should be in movie theaters, right?
Beth B said…
I get it Nolan L The entire thing is a complete tragedy, but I think it shocks people to learn that a 3 month old was at risk.
Daryl Baines said…
Yes guys ... there's a bigger story to focus on, but it's not taking place in some small town theatre. So much attention is focus on these small tragedies, when there are other much more important problems to resolve:
Get some perspective USA.
Daryl Baines said…
Nolan L just an example, but I think the point was made.
Beth B said…
Nolan L of course it is..... It's devastating. There are lots of other things in this story that are sad too. The baby being there, is just another aspect to the story. I just posted to clarify what I'm hearing on the news that the infant wasn't actually injured because there is a lot of misinformation out there. I don't think people intend to diminish the bigger picture by discussing one aspect of it. It's a complete travesty all the way around that didn't need to occur.
Brenda Curtis said…
Glad you weren't there, Jason. :(
Jason ON said…
I'm scheduled to see a private screening on the movie at 12pm at another theater. 

I'm watching the local news which is obviously covering it and what they, and I, don't know is why. That's what's bothering me the most -- I need to know the intent behind the action. We won't know for a while and even then it will be filtered from the police and DAs offices. but to do something like this for no reason just dumbfounds me.
Jason ON said…
Daryl Baines, Aurora is the second or third largest city in Colorado at something like 350,000 residents. It is also rated as the 7th safest city in the US for similar sized cities. Aurora is no NYC or LA, London or HongKong, but it's no "small town" either.
Daryl Baines said…
"Third largest city in Colorado" ... wow, that country must be really big! I bet a lot of really important stuff happens there!
Jason ON said…
A lot of important stuff does happen here.
Tim Bond said…
We live closer to Colorado Center but go to the Aurora theatre from time to time as it tends to have cheapest 3D tickets, especially for matinee showings. It is much nicer than the mall it is attached to.
Jason ON said…
I've been to the Aurora theater once. The people in the theater kept talking hroughout the movie and it annoyed me. Haven't been back since.
Tim Bond said…
I have that experience most places. Other than the Elvis cheap seats, here in Denver the worst I've experienced was at. Chemical Brothers film at Pavilions. Guy on his phone talking for several minutes.

This morning at the 9am IMAX showing of The Dark Knight Rises at Colorado Center, no one said and a word and I didn't see a single cell phone. I was Amazed. But, the movie is that good that it keeps your attention pretty well.
Jason ON said…
I'm thinking about going to the Elvis Cheap Seats today for either MiB3 or Avengers (again).
Daryl Baines said…
What interesting lives the folks in Colorado lead ... where is Colorado, anyway?
Jason ON said…
Central-western United States, +Daryl.
Daryl Baines said…
Oh! I thought it might be in Mexico, Spain or Colombia.

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