Sunset at 14,000ft yesterday.

Sunset at 14,000ft yesterday.


Mark Richards said…
Jason ON That's a great shot.
Jason ON said…
Mt. Evans, Steve Szettella.
Melissa Beagle said…
Lucky you Jason ON to be on Mt. Evans. sigh
Mark Richards said…
Jason ON Did you hike up there or is there a road one can take ?
Jason ON said…
Wasn't too lucky, it was 46 degrees up there. Brrr!
Richard S said…
Going here next week sometime hopefully.  Looking to discover Colorado.  Lived here all my life and there are still things to find.  Up for suggestions, have over a week of vacation.
Melissa Beagle said…
Yeah, last time I was up there it was around 35 with 40 mph gusts. .
Jason ON said…
Mark Richards, I took the road:
Jason ON said…
Well, Richard Hicks, you did say to post more pics. :P
Richard S said…
61.0 miles away from my house, about an hour and a half drive.
Now on list.
Melissa Beagle said…
And it can snow at any time. :D And you can tell who the tourists are. . .they are wearing flip-flops and shorts.
Richard S said…
I grew up here, layers are standard.  I am going to post a link on my profile so people can add places they think I should go on my in-state vacation.
Melissa Beagle said…
Richard Steinbicker The Botanical Gardens are fantastic too. There are some cool bamboo sculptures there right now.
Richard S said…
Melissa Beagle I notices that the other day in some pictures, it looks nice.
Richard S said…
I haven't been to Pearl Street Mall since I bought the card game #Grass back in the 90's.  Way back a while ago I worked at a place called The Computer Store, across from the Crossroads mall.
Steve Szettella said…
Awesome shot and an awesome place. The mountain goats still hanging around up there? Got some great pics memorial weekend.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, I have a few pics of the goats, too.

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