I don't know if the ACLU or the federal courts can force Sheriff Arpaio out of office, but I hope someone can.

I don't know if the ACLU or the federal courts can force Sheriff Arpaio out of office, but I hope someone can. Then we need to be worried about his legacy and whether the next sheriff continues his anti-American policies.


Frank Roark said…
Keep in mind I don't live there. But not all he has done is bad. I deal with people that have been thru the system and people from there get a different real serious look about not getting in trouble and going back to jail there. People in Nebraska laugh off jail.
Jason ON said…
Cliff Berning , are you being sarcastic oor do you really believe that?
Arpio needs to go far far away, so sick of his lack of ethics, disrespect for human rights, wasting of tax payer money, and misrepresenting Arizona. Oh he should sign up for that one way trip to Mars! Can we do that for him?

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