A few years ago the Boy Scouts defended its right to ban gays from its ranks.

A few years ago the Boy Scouts defended its right to ban gays from its ranks. The case went to the Supreme Court who decided that the Boy Scouts was a private (Christian) organization and had that right.

I, a former scout, have not supported them since. And it looks like I won't be anytime soon.


Jason Odell said…
Me, neither. As a former Eagle Scout, I think the whole thing is disgusting. It may be legal, but it's not right.
Bryan Fuselier said…
They must not have liked my submission for the Wildfire in My Pants badge.
Jason Odell said…
They have every right to be bigots, and we'll let society decide their fate. When I was in the Scouts, they didn't profess to be a "Christian" organization... they had certain values, but we didn't go around talking about Jesus. If they had, I would have dumped the whole thing and turned in my badges.
Joe Grande said…
Missed opportunity for the BSA.
Jason ON said…
Not to mention, in the pre-teen years girls and boys are essentially the same. Shoving contrived gender roles on them doesn't do anyone any good except the conservatives who don't like strong women or domesticated men.

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