Google+ just annoyed me again.

Google+ just annoyed me again. I saw a post, I wanted to comment on said post, I clicked the comment button, clicked inside the box, typed, tab [to the  submit button] and ENTER. All in a few seconds.

But, apparently, I wasn't inside the comment box after I clicked on it and after I hit Tab=>ENTER I was taken somewhere else in my Stream and I cannot find the post I originally wanted to comment on. I tried searching the subject matter and limiting by my Circles to no success.

This happens quite a lot, actually.


Jason ON said…
Just happened again on another post. I had to go back and re-type my entire comment. Arrgh!
Lorie Johnson said…
That drives me nuts, to be honest. So does the shaking post-box when I'm trying to make entries.
Jason ON said…
It's been especially bad in the notifications drop down window for commenting. If my stream updates or if my notifications update I lose the entire comment.
Jim Scholfield said…
Sounds like you're working in a stream that is changing too fast. It helps once you get a thousand people in your circles to not watch the all stream but switch to going from one circles stream to another.
Jason ON said…
This didn't happen before, but started a couple of weeks ago. Or, at least if it did happen, it was so infrequent I didn't notice it.

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