You know what's not fun? Being up all night with a sick dog, that's what.


sorry to hear that...been there and no it is not fun...hope you dog feels better soon :)
Marilyn Gerber said…
My friend was ling me she woke up at 5 AM to walk her bulldog to find he had an Jackson Pollack-esque ass explosion in his crate in the middle of the night.
Ron Whitmire said…
Not fun for you or the dog, hope you both have a better day.
Brenda Curtis said…
awww! What's the matter with him?
Jason ON said…
Thanks, guys. I just think he ate something that disagreed with him.

Marilyn Gerber, luckily Rufus wakes me up before anythig like that happens.
Marilyn Gerber lucky you...mine is still a puppy :)
Ron Whitmire said…
There is nothing quite the feeling of something squishy, warm, and unidentified between your toes as you are walking to the bathroom in the dark at 3am. I hate stepping in dog yak.
That sucks. :( What is wrong with it??
One post about chocolate made me hungry... But these comments have ensured that I will not be snacking on any creamy milk chocolate anytime soon. Lol
Theresa Reel said…
oh not fun, hope the pup is better! and you both got some rest !

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