That was spooky.
That was spooky. I had to go help my mom with a computer issue (in short she couldn't figure out how to edit her resume, which my brother sent to her from his computer as a PDF) and I had to use her Internet Explorer and her AOL defaults.
Anywho, she's now on Chrome, but still on AOL. She's using OpenOffice her for word processing since she likes AOL (I'm not sure why and she just gets defensive when I ask questions. In all fairness I asked like you would ask a kid, but it's not my fault she says she knows about this stuff).
Anyone have a good (free) PDF editor? I told her to copy her resume over to OOo and save it there.
Anywho, she's now on Chrome, but still on AOL. She's using OpenOffice her for word processing since she likes AOL (I'm not sure why and she just gets defensive when I ask questions. In all fairness I asked like you would ask a kid, but it's not my fault she says she knows about this stuff).
Anyone have a good (free) PDF editor? I told her to copy her resume over to OOo and save it there.
unrelated I was surprised by two people I know going back to AOL (after being out in the free air). Not sure what it represents.
We've used it, with limited success but it depends on the level of formatting on the original PDF. It's worth a shot.
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread, but I so feel your pain and wanted to share some empathy.
Jason ON You can get Adobe PDF Online for $9.99/month, pay a month, then cancel. It does PDF conversions both ways - document to PDF, and PDF to MSWord, MSExcel, OCR. Will OpenOffice read DOCX files?
Zac Hastings, I will check it out! Along with Nitro.
Rugger Ducky, I don't know if my mom has a porn folder and to be honest, I don't want to know. She did point at her router and call it her computer a couple of times and point at her desktop box and call it the internet. I also took a look at her resume while I was there. She has nearly 30 years with the same company in a variety of roles. Three pages of bullet-points. Three pages of bullet-points! And her email address (while I'm not going to share it) is something along the lines of "" That's not going to work. And her resume, a PDF file that she called an image file because it was named "IMG [1]," was named "IMG [1]." I told her to rename it because it looks like she doesn't know how to use a computer. It made a lot more sense when I saw that because she kept asking me how she could look at an image file with her resume on it.
Deirdre Green, that's hilarious! Even my dog is laughing at that one!