The first commentor has it right: why on Earth do the Republicans hate women so much?

The first commentor has it right: why on Earth do the Republicans hate women so much? I mean, this one of those really stupid no-brainers. A bill never should have been submitted. Unless, of course, one of the bill supporters is a domestic abuser.

New Hamphire needs to change it's motto to: Live Free and Die.


Jon Pederson said…
Republicans hate women?
Jason ON said…
Well, not Newt Gingrich. He seems to love women he's not married to.
Ed Hamlin said…
Hmmm, I think it is not a political issue, because if it passes then both democrats and republicans hate women. What most fail to see is this is about the elite, including the politicians who want to control the american people in every possible way they can conjure up. This is another effort to return to slavery, it may not encompass color but it does with gender. This is the elimination of equal rights for all. So get the message right, look deeper than the surface.
Jeremy Swigart said…
IMO it goes back to the religious rights belief in subservient women and treating them as 2nd class citizens
Ed Hamlin said…
Jeremy - I think you speak of something where you have no knowledge. Ephesians 5:37 husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. This is only one excerpt about equality. Personally I think women have the upper edge on men when it comes to intelligence, compassion, Love...Many men have demonstrated they can be cold hearted and selfish.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Horse shit. You've cherry picked your scripture. Care to explain the dozen or so other anti woman passages? Google anti woman bible verses. Your selective reading is not surprising. The only difference in Christian an Islamic anti woman is that Christians by and large have grown out of it. I'm sure you have contextual excuses to explain away these verses. It's one of those contradictory aspects of scripture.
Ed Hamlin said…
Jeremy Swigart I don't have to explain anything to you because you already have your mind set on being right. Your use of verbiage is the evidence. A Question to you, does a christian live by old testament law or new testament?

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” What say you?
Jeremy Swigart said…
Depends on the Christian you ask. Plenty of them still cling to cherry picked aspects of either. Is your head buried in the sand that much? Have you abandoned your 10 commandments? It's a pretty common excuse "that was the old testament", as of that excuses the divinely inspired barbaracy. There's plenty of immoral nonsense in the new testament as well if you'd prefer to focus on that.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Here's to get back on topic. From new testament.

Isn't it curious how holy scripture reflects the culture of its day? It's almost like the whole thing is man made! All that primitive barbaracy, no divine wisdom. All those descriptions of happenings in genesis in the words and understanding of those primitive people, all of it was wrong. With every step forward of science, religions have to move more of their nonsense over to the "interpretation" or "metaphor" columns. It's all a fun song and dance if it didn't have such serious implications to our societies.
Ed Hamlin said…
Jeremy Swigart I am sorry. I know we don't share the same life experiences and thus your opinion will differ greatly form mine. I have seen atrocity, death, racism, oppression, etc. It is quite apparent my briefs which are not religious by any means because I feel religion is another form of oppression are far different than yours. Quite okay. I wish you well. I hope that you stand up for what is right, and give to those who are less fortunate and are oppressed by whom ever. Give of the good of your heart to those who deserve it, because no one, no one deserves the evil of man. Have a great week end, peace be with you.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Thanks. Above all, my general disgust of religion stems from how often religious beliefs are used to justify just those kinds of atrocities. And while non religious violence is condemned and punished by law, religious forms are given a pass by the brain washed and fearful adherents.
Ed Hamlin said…
No doubt, Jeremy no one should be given a pass no matter situation. OUR country was founded on freedom and the pursuit of happiness, yet the freedom and pursuit of happiness should not be at the cost of others rights. Violence towards anyone for any reason should not be given a pass but punishment befitting the crime. I am a Christian, not a religious person. I walk what I talk. I have seen a lot of horrible things and I am at a point in my life where I am very focused on helping the oppressed, hurting, lost, racism, etc. I can make a difference once project at a time. I spent over five years feeding the homeless close to where I live. The meals I made for them we as if I was making for my family. The homeless are my first project once I have recovered from breaking my ankle. Visit I can use some help, even encouragement works too.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Very respectable charity work. I'll hold off dragging your religion further through the mud. I hope you don't take my disgust of religion as an attack on your personal character. It sounds like you are a good guy, and are that way in spite of your religious beliefs, not because of them.
Ed Hamlin said…
Mud hugh? LOL I am actually not that nice. If it weren't for my relationship with Christ, without the religious tones of centuries ago, I wouldn't be a person you would want to be around. How ever I have been shown a different life that I enjoy much better than bringing pain and suffering to others in the world. Jerey Have fun, watch some UFC and see some blood maybe. Free event on FOX tonight.
Jeremy Swigart said…
Haha. There's the great delusion of theists spelled out in black and white. It is most disturbing when you guys admit that you are only good because of some 2000 year old fairy tales. Fairy tales that themselves are largely immoral and evil. I can never understand what sort of mental illness would drive a person to believe such crap.

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