Saw it.

Saw it.

Originally shared by anthony feliciano

Take a close look. Re-Share when you find it.


Randal Lovelace said…
Picture too small to tell what it is ... (not telling where as that would be a give away)...
Jason ON said…
Randal Lovelace , unless you're on mobile it's fairly obvious and in my opinion, not too small. If you want you can PM me about what you see to verify.
Randal Lovelace said…
I found it... (everything looks small on a 20" 1600x1200 resolution monitor.
Jason ON said…
My computer is a 15" laptop.
Randal Lovelace said…
It's a resolution issue - the more resolution - the smaller images appear on the browser - I have posted/commented about this before - as I can't read some of the words on images due to the tiny size.
Jason ON said…
Same here. I've sent feedback requesting the ability to zoom or enlargen images.
Randal Lovelace said…
I have the Chromium 'Image Zoom' - but it only zooms so much and if the original image was small (600x400 or smaller) it pixels out badly.
I'm going to send this to Big MaK! She will get scared.
Jason ON said…
So, did Mak get skerred?

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