That's freakin fantastic!

That's freakin fantastic! I took some pictures and some video with my Android earlier and after they didn't show up on Instant Upload I went searching for them. Lo' and behold, there are no, count them: zero, pictures from the past few days on my Android. Some of the missing pictures are already IU'd and some were not.

Makes me not trust Android anymore.


I'm sorry to hear that. All I can hope is that they were pics and vid that weren't extremely important since that would make everything much worse.
Jason ON said…
What's really annoying is that these pictures and videos were of my walk with Rufus and we ran across a couple of large turtles. Rufus didn't know what to make of them and was acting spooked, and playful and curious and everything. I'll never get that back.
Kyle Paul said…
I've noticed similar issues as well. Mine tends to still auto-upload (in whatever order it feels) but it seems it depends on how you post whether the image/video gets removed from the "Instant Upload" album...(ie Android app, iOS app, desktop, etc.)
Jeremy Johnson said…
This happens to me too, sometimes. I'll take a photo with my Android (Samsung Conquer, which I love) and then go to look at it. Photos will say 0 items. WTF? I exit out of the photo viewer and then go back in, and the photos will be there. Strange.
Melina M said…
They're missing from your phone entirely, or only from Instant Upload? What gallery app are you using? I use QuickPic which has the option to hide specific images or folders... Hopefully it'll be something simple like that.
Jason ON said…
Missing completely, Melina M. I'm using the default gallery included with Android 2.3 (stock vanilla distro)
So Jason ON, they were very important. That answers my question. I'm really sorry. It sucks for us too because we would have liked those photos.
Jason ON said…
They were funny. Well, the videos were, the pictures were just of a turtle.
Melina M said…
No chance you or someone else batch deleted them, huh? I'm sorry it's being unreliable for you. :(
Jason ON said…
No. These were from my dog walk about 30 minutes before I posted this topic. I took the video and stills, finished the walk and wanted to upload them over the wifi (which is a bit faster, especially for the videos). No one else had access to the phone or my G/Account.
Melina M said…
And you took them with the stock camera, I assume?
Gem F said…
I've had problems with disappearing photos, too. Hooked up the phone to the laptop with a data cable and was able to download them, but have no idea why I couldn't see them in the gallery. Ymmv, but its worth a try.

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