WTF is wrong with people? I understand being mad and frustrated but to do that?

WTF is wrong with people? I understand being mad and frustrated but to do that?

Originally shared by Jim Feig


Lynda Schwemmer said…
Someone with so little judgment and self control shouldn't be around children either.
Chelle Ann said…
I hope they took the poor puppy away from him...such people should never have a pet to begin with FFS!!
Ron Marsh said…
Take the time to learn about dogs and how to train them with care, patience and love. They're dogs, and it's just a little urine. Why do hateful stupid idiots even bother to have dogs, or any sentient creature? So they can torture and frighten and traumatize innocents? Heartbreaking.
sean conley said…
if i ever see this guy, i will dump boiling hot water on him.
Jack Loken said…
He will get first hand experience
sean conley said…
he will get what is coming to him. what is sad is that i am sure there are hundreds of cases like this that don't make the news.
Wtf some peoples are so stupid realy good luck
sean conley said…
Aaron Atteberry i wasnt going to say it but yes, fuck that guy.

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