Since a lot of people love their echo chambers I'm posting this article that demonstrates how #TrumpNation views the...

Since a lot of people love their echo chambers I'm posting this article that demonstrates how #TrumpNation views the horrible fiasco at the southern border.

The TL;DR version is: RTFA.


Jason ON said…
I thought while typing that: I should do this on every post.
Erik Yocum said…
What does RTFA mean, then? I keep vapor locking 'It should be 'M', not 'A''... can't get past that to guess :)
Jason ON said…
Erik Yocum you're close with M. It means Read the F'ing Article.

I put that in there because far too many people don't read past the headline and therefore don't know what they're discussing when they make comment on an article.

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