Look at the body posture. That is a man on the defense.

Look at the body posture. That is a man on the defense.

Originally shared by Chris Kim A

“No one expected President Trump to arrive late. No one expected him to leave early. No one expected him to have openly hostile meetings with the president of France and the prime minister of Canada," reports NewsHour's White House Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor.

No one expects the Spanish Inqui...oh never mind


That is a man standing his ground.
Sam Moore said…
Anthony DiRuggiero standing his ground like a child, maybe. Adults use words, conversation, respect, solidarity.
Children are stubborn, lack communication skills and are apathetic.
All that man-child needs is a dunce hat to complete this image.
Jason ON said…
Anthony DiRuggiero this is a man being scolded by his betters and who is playing the petulant child because in a room full of equals no one is pandering to him like they do at home.
Looks like the Japanese are taking his side.

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