Is there anyone who can identify this white blob of stuff?

Is there anyone who can identify this white blob of stuff? I was out for a walk earlier and saw it on a tree. It almost looks like some insulation foam stuff, but in the middle of the woods?

Could it be an egg sac for some sort of insect? I didn't want to poke it with a stick because... well, horror movies, but I'm curious as to what it might be.


Tony David said…
Probably a form of slime flux (bacterial infection on trees and plants)
Nate Taylor said…
Poke it!
For science
L.S. Cody said…
According a fungal studying friend, Its called "The Blob" or "Dog Vomit Fungus".
Jason ON said…
Nate Taylor there isn't a stick long enough.

L.S. Cody thanks for that link, but I don't think it's the same thing.
Jason ON said…
And they may be. I really don't know, hence the question. But, I thought they might be similar as they were relatively close to one another, both white puffs on flora. So ....
L.S. Cody said…
What if it's both slime mold over fungus?
Jason ON said…
What if it's going to explode with thousands of tiny spiders that grow up to the size of a dinner plate?
L.S. Cody said…
I'm also inclined, after further study, to believe that may be an insect colony of some type.
L.S. Cody said…
Are there spiders that grow to the size of dinner plates in your area?
L.S. Cody said…
What if it just is explosive? Try using fire and that might take care of the problem.
Jason ON said…
L.S. Cody no, we don't typically have spiders of that size, but the movie, Arachnaphobia was about an invasive species. ;)

And fire is a no-go. We're in the middle of a drought(ish) and the state's already burning all over the place.
Mike G said…
Possibly an alien plant-form sent to make first contact with earth vegetation. Likely hostile to humans.
Chris McIntosh said…
could it be an abnormally large ball of sap/resin?
michel prins said…
looks like purr foam all right can you break off a piec to see how it looks inside?
Jason ON said…
I walked past it just a few minutes ago. It had a giant Crack in it so I poked it with a stick (second photo). Looked like it was filled with dirt. The problem is, there's little to no dirt here. It's all sand and rock.
Pablo H. said…
it's edible... eat it!!!!
Emily Steele said…
Is this a type of puffball fungus? Those spores that look like dirt or coffee grinds go airborne. Careful not to breathe them in.
michel prins said…
are you sure ure name isnt tin tin? ;P
michel prins said…
are you sure ure name isnt titin?

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