"Obama generally refrained from prosecution in cases involving adults who crossed the border with their kids," said...

"Obama generally refrained from prosecution in cases involving adults who crossed the border with their kids," said Peter Margulies, an immigration law and national security law professor at Roger Williams University School of Law. "In contrast, the current administration has chosen to prosecute adult border-crossers, even when they have kids. That's a choice — one fundamentally different from the choice made by both Obama and previous presidents of both parties."

Let's be real for a moment. Ever since the media started running with the detainees' story, Republicans and their allies have been running around screaming loudly that Obama did it first and the rest of us are just being hypocritical. Well ... one thing they fail to mention are actual facts. Were some families separated during President Obama's eight years in office? Yes. But they were few and far between unlike #DonaldTrump's policy which is the exact opposite: to ruin all their families.

And what's worse, the cost of reuniting families after all this is over will be astronomical compared to just keeping them together in the first place.


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