Finally we have proof!

Finally we have proof! Australia doesn't exist! It's been a hoax for hundreds of years, paid for and perpetrated by NASA, even before NASA existed, apparently.

Sorry, all you so-called Aussies. But at least you're getting paid for being actors.

/sarcasm if you can't tell already


David Amerland said…
Jason ON you know this is true. I have seen some of its citizens on Neighbours and Lord of the Rings and Days of Thunder - actors, I tell you. Actors!
Anton Satorin said…
Michael Silk would disagree, I feel!
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Where the fuck is my paycheck, that's what I want to know. Damnit, NASA!
Emlyn O'Regan said…
btw, the flat earther claims a huge coverup of 100,000 dead. That actually happened! But not to the colonists: - Why the number of Indigenous deaths in the frontier wars matters | Paul Daley | Opinion | The Guardian
Amanda Gordon said…
Disappears in a puff of logic

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