Well, that was a long time coming ....


Many many moons ago I volunteered with the Colorado Democratic party. This was during the first GWB administration when we all thought the world couldn't get any worse than it was. Somehow I was added to their email blast list and I've been receiving correspondence from them ever since.

When I received their first email I nearly unsubscribed but I didn't. Then their second, their third and so on. Finally, more than a decade later, I was still receiving their emails. The problem is I wanted their emails so I would know about policy and politics going on in Colorado and yet, for the life of me, I can't think of one email in recent history that had such content. Instead it's always, "Give us money." Heck, sometimes, like this morning, it's: Hey, Jason, did you see our email yesterday asking for money? Well, we wanted to remind you we still need the money.

Well, I don't have any money to give and while I believe the Democrats are far less batshit crazy than the Republicans, I still don't support them as a party.

Anywho, I'm hoping to create more content here than on other (social media) sites, so if you're paying attention: stay tuned.


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