This piece is very long and most of you won't read it, but you really should, especially if you still believe e...

This piece is very long and most of you won't read it, but you really should, especially if you still believe e #DonaldTrump wants this nation to be "great again."

“A lot of people in the federal government are holding on tight, trying to keep everything going properly,” he told me. “And people are fearful to say anything. I was fortunate enough to be able to quit my job and say something, but most people aren’t able to do that.” The White House has politicized work that was once insulated from interference, Schwab said. “We see that in the F.B.I. very publicly, and then I saw that at ice from the highest levels of the White House. Who knows where else it’s happening in the rest of the government.”


Similarly, the mistakes that the Trump Administration has made are likely to multiply: the dismantling of the State Department; the denigration of the civil service; the exclusion of experts on Iran and climate change; the fictional statistics about undocumented immigrants; and the effort to squelch dissent across the government. Absent a radical change, the Administration has no mechanism for self-correction. It will not get normal; it will get worse.

Originally shared by Meg Tufano

It's hard to imagine a more comprehensive guide to what is happening in the administration. I keep trying to summarize the disparate items I am finding all over the Internet and I cannot make sense out of the constant attention-grabbing headlines to get to any general sense of what is actually happening in the real world. Turns out there's a reason for that: "A White House that is intent on politicizing and falsifying information can achieve its objectives before other branches of government know enough to stop it."

In other words, they want us confused.

Well, Evan Osnos covered the "nation building" in Iraq and understands what FUBAR means. He actually has created a coherent summary of all that's happened so far (and NOT connected to anything to do with Russia).

Sometimes you just have to thank someone for helping you at least understand why I'm confused! Thank you Evan Osnos.


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