#DonaldTrump actually did a good thing!

#DonaldTrump actually did a good thing! Of course, it took a person from Hollywood (Sylvester Stallone) to convince Trump to do this, but it's good nonetheless. I'm really surprised no president in the last 30 years hadn't posthumously pardoned Jack Johnson.


Salvador Melo said…
Further proof: nobody can be wrong 100% of the time
Jason ON said…
Salvador Melo I took it as further proof Trump looks to Hollywood fame for his policy decisions.
Salvador Melo said…
Jason ON our statements are not mutually exclusive.
David Simmons said…
The other Presidents didn't do it because they said it would take time from the Justice Department to investigate and prepare the pardon, while there are living people they could be working on. But since Trump don't use the Justice Department to investigate or prepare his pardons it was simple. Trump was 100% right on this one, I hope the next President learned from Trump that you don't have to make every decision a bureaucratic nightmare.

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