Why do Evangelical Christians give #DonaldTrump a free pass on his non-Christian behavior?

Why do Evangelical Christians give #DonaldTrump a free pass on his non-Christian behavior? Because he's a white male giving them a new revival in public prejudice.

What developed in the South was a theology carefully tailored to meet the needs of a slave state. Biblical emphasis on social justice was rendered miraculously invisible. A book constructed around the central metaphor of slaves finding their freedom was reinterpreted. Messages which might have questioned the inherent superiority of the white race, constrained the authority of property owners, or inspired some interest in the poor or less fortunate could not be taught from a pulpit. Any Christian suggestion of social justice was carefully and safely relegated to “the sweet by and by” where all would be made right at no cost to white worshippers. In the forge of slavery and Jim Crow, a Christian message of courage, love, compassion, and service to others was burned away.

In #TrumpNation like attracts like.


LOL over Forbes. So the abortion issue is not political? And You can't criticize a public person's public positions without offering comments?
Jason ON said…
Lars Hallberg I'm not sure what Forbes' internal policies are, but this seems like en excuse not to run an opinion piece that might offend some people.

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