How long will you be riding?

How long will you be riding? I've known plenty of people who have given up riding when they found a significant other who wasn't interested or who have children or who ... well, there are many reasons.

Personally, I plan on riding until I can't. Who knows when that will be?

Originally shared by Steven Vaughan-Nichols

We're not as young as we used to be.


Curtis McMahan said…
Until I can’t. I can see down sizing as I get older and not as many miles but I can’t see not ever riding again.
Something something wheelchair....
Everyone seems to have that moment of clarity on this. I had a nearly two-decade hiatus from riding that ended twelve years ago. I'm gonna ride until I can't.
Kenneth Baker said…
Through many mistakes of our children, we've been forced to take on much responsibility. One dead. One in jail, and one in an abusive relationship. Seven of the remainder in a three bedroom house. My wife and I are sixty and sixty-one, but I will ride again. Motrin or not.
Michael Meyer said…
I'll ride as long as I can been riding my whole life. The only break is 1985 to 1989 I did not ride . First ride was a Bonanza Mini bike in 1968
Tim Ryan said…
Eye'll be needin 1 of those soon, cause eye've already got bad arthritis. And eye cant even ride anymore after a bad car accident in 08, but eye still love to look & dream of it constantly. Thats what eye like about G+ it gives me a look at what y"all are up to, and a place to bear my soul & heart. SO JUST KEEP ON RIDIN EM LIKE U STOLE EM & KEEP THOSE KNEES IN THE BREEZE BROTHERS & SISTERS RIDE ON❗😎❗
Pretty much until can't kick it up off the stand anymore.

Hell, even then I might just add another wheel and keep going.
Tim Ryan said…

WOW: Man those T's were really freakin cool, and all the logos had me-all over em (cause eye just turned 60). THX "Ken"❗😎❗
B.J. Ondo Hell's Advils, clearly.
Robert Loucks said…
Steven where can I get one if them shirts???? That's cool as hell.

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