Why is Facebook monitoring your calls from their app?

Why is Facebook monitoring your calls from their app?




michel prins said…
why arent you boss of ure own phone thats a better question u should be able to block permissions u're self for all apps!

Replying to @mat_johnson
Yeah, Facebook tracks everything. Per their privacy agreement, they have rights to audio, video, keystroke, everything you do on any device you use to access FB, even when you're not on FB. Same with Instagram, which they own. I use a separate device only for FB.

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Mar 23
Also, FB models their privacy agreement after Android, so if you have an Android device, expect to be tracked & expect them to sell to 3rd party tracking (meaning anyone!). That's what Zuckerberg meant when he said there's no privacy. For 3 yrs I warned ppl & they made fun of me.

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Sibyl L said…
....and ppl look at me funny when I tell them I'm not on FB and never will be. #deletefacebooknow
You do realize that if you have FB up on one tab and open any other tabs that they're fully monitoring your web browsing. They've been doing that one for a while. When an App asks permission for certain features of your phone it's not surprising it abuses it's access. It's been an App problem for years now as well. Apps accessing many aspects of your personal information for seemingly no reason. Except to sell your data to people at a profit. To the question of "shouldn't you be able to block permissions" well yes you can, you click no when the App asks if it can access your contact information(for example) when you run it. If an action in the App requires that permission you'll be asked again whenever you try to use that feature and it won't work unless you give permission.
Jason ON said…
Ryan Drewrey exactly.
michel prins Facebook privacy is not modelled after Android. Android itself sends no information to Google. We have enough problems without people spreading FUD.
michel prins said…
i said google should implement a user operated filter in theire os thats no fud u dud. like after you installed the app or constantly giving you acces to what data is being send and to who. In short just give root as standard . some tool like startup monitor on the pc
michel prins said…
Douglas McMillan i dint say it was first learn to read. " +michel prins Facebook privacy is not modelled after Android. "

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