Apparently some people still believe #DonaldTrump is doing a good job.

Apparently some people still believe #DonaldTrump is doing a good job. In fact, that number has risen just a bit over the last few months.

Maybe it's all the Billy Bob and Jethros out there who think he's "manly" for bedding a porn star while married with a newborn.

In #TrumpNation the universe doesn't make sense.


WSG Gallery said…
Look at the poll size. Also look how sampling was done. Poll is meaningless.
Bryce Miller said…
All these polls show him around 55% unfavorable and that consistency leads one to believe there's something to them but it is interesting that the Fox one shows him in a little bit better light, by pure coincidence.
sword of light said…
Donald Trump and the demon frog and evil spirits of Deceit

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