In an Associated Press investigation in February, which relied on interviews with dozens of members, documents and...

In an Associated Press investigation in February, which relied on interviews with dozens of members, documents and secret recordings, the agency reported that Word of Faith congregants were routinely punched, smacked, choked, slammed to the floor or thrown through walls “in a violent form of deliverance meant to ‘purify’ sinners by beating out devils.”

That sounds like what's happening over at Scientology. Sure, they're not "kicking the gay out" but their leader does, reportedly, love beating those who disappoint him.

But do t worry, folks. According to all these "religious Liberty" laws, these actions are perfectly fine based on the "sincerely held beliefs" that you can actually assault someone to stop them being gay.

Originally shared by Washington Post

Gay man says church members beat, choked him for hours to expel ‘homosexual demons’


Jeff Chapman said…
Luckily he was also a masochist so they just really got him hot and bothered.

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