Of course, this can't solely be laid at the feet of #DonaldTrump and then #GOP when even President Obama failed to...

Of course, this can't solely be laid at the feet of #DonaldTrump and then #GOP when even President Obama failed to financially support the Census Bureau. He will, naturally, make it worse because that's what #TrumpNation is all about: making things worse. DJT has spent years pouring gasoline on the sparks of distrust some have in our government, an action which is only riding on the bandwagon of decades' worth of the same by the Republicans.

Of course, the decennial Census covers much broader ground than the economy. It is the basis for creating political districts to make sure Americans are represented evenly; it is the foundation for demographic research in America, and for dozens of other government surveys; and it is key to distributing up to $700 billion from the federal government, according to new estimates from George Washington University’s Institute of Public Policy.


James Karaganis said…
The combination of evil, arrogance and general incompetence is overwhelming.

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