Because nothing says "I understand the Constitution" like passing a law to allow bible studies in public schools.

Because nothing says "I understand the Constitution" like passing a law to allow bible studies in public schools.

Originally shared by ****

Sure, why not.


OK, then. Which version? KJV, NTV? Something else?
Nick McIntosh said…
Excluding other religions and belief systems is what is going to get this law in trouble. Eventually, they'll be forced to either discontinue the program or offer a wider religious curriculum.

And of course, the elective nature of the class is how they're tip toeing around the whole church/state thing.
Michael Meyer said…
This should not be allowed in Public schools.
That is what a Charter school program is for.
We pay taxes religious institution do not pay taxes but, do get support from charter school programs funded by our Taxes. This is to keep religion influences out of public schools.

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