Should President Obama have gone public with the Russian hacking of the US election sooner and been more forceful...

Should President Obama have gone public with the Russian hacking of the US election sooner and been more forceful with Russia as a result?

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Bradley Snyder said…
This is a good one I have no idea
Roberto Bayardo said…
With the benefit of hindsight....
Man... but if he'd been wrong. Hmmmm
Michael French said…
and with Trump claiming the whole thing was "rigged".......
he couldn't and appear impartial
an impossible situation
Jason ON said…
Thomas Tenkely that's the moral dilemma as outlined in the article I posted.
Stephen Dickson said…
I still haven't seen one single piece of proof. Not one. It's all "the intelligence agency's have confirmed"
Well I call bullshit.
Stephen Dickson said…
That would be the same agency's that said there was no question and they had proof Iraq had WMDs.
Look how that turned out....
Michael French said…
Stephen Dickson ...curious...
what kind of evidence would convince you?
Jason ON said…
Michael French for some people no evidence will ever be enough. This isn't the FBI, the CIA or the NSA, this is 14 intelligence agencies all coming to the same conclusion.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Nobody wants to admit they've been duped by a cheap con man (Trump).
Stephen Dickson said…
And for irony. How many times has america done the same or worse? You know your great mates Australia, you fucked with them too.
It's a long list.

Now those 14 agency's, same ones that said WMD?
Stephen Dickson said…
Alex Shull dead right. My specialty is killing shit.

Do you honestly believe cia etc aren't capable of fabricating this? It's all ready been proved it could have come from anywhere and made to look as it does.
Stephen Dickson said…
Is this the same serious people that refuse to admit or can't see for the wool over their eyes just how often america does this shit themselves. And a hell of a lot worse.
Stephen Dickson said…
WMDs in Iraq, proven to be a total lie.
cia involved in overthrowing an Aussie PM, proven fact.
It's well proven america is behind IS.
israel anyone?
It's a very long proven list.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Wmds in Iraq, yes, a well documented fabrication from the Bush administration. Everything else on your list is wackadoodle nonsense.
Stephen Dickson said…
How many of you are religious?
Jason ON said…
What does someone's religious identity have to do with Russian hackers and #DonaldTrump?
Stephen Dickson said…
Please explain why america via NATO is stirring the pot so hard in Europe?
Stephen Dickson said…
It seems 60% of americans believe in one of the 60 odd gods.
So it appears 60% of americans will believe any rubbish that suits them.
Stephen Dickson said…
Alex Shull​ using the mobile is not ideal for this sort of thing.
Jason ON said…
Ah yes, the "I can't have this discussion on this medium" argument. Is your mobile T9, Stephen Dickson​?
Michael French said…
Stephen Dickson ...ok let's see if we can get this back....

has America fucked over other countries and its own citizens from time to time.....?

I think most thinking people can at least admit that possibility.

Does that have anything at all to do with the current question?
only in a very obtuse way....which is the card you are playing...
"it's all made up"

The reason I asked is that I have read the (filtered) reports that detail how this particular conclusion was reached...some of it is pretty specific and detailed...and available if you take the time to look it up....

is that definitive?...of course not

but it begs a question.....if the U.S was in the middle of some plot to making it appear the election was being tampered with, presumably the powers-that-be would have used that to their advantage....
and elected Hillary... the ultimate security-status-quo-establishment candidate......

I mean... they own the's their your world they could have made the results say anything they wanted....

Now..... the only way that works is that a small group of generals, who wanted more freedom to bomb places at will..... somehow duped the entire intelligence community...and in that case they already run the world, so ..........
even in that case who would they prefer?

Logic is a bitch sometimes.........

and if the response is....

"yeah, but Area 51"

I swear I will go and take a dump in one of the Great Lakes and eventually....somehow.... that will find its way into your drinking water
Stephen Dickson said…
Now that would be a real marvel as I'm on the other side of the world. :D

New Zealand is a tiny country at the bottom of the world, yet here we are a part of five eyes. I'm going to assume you know what that is.
We had israeli spys caught red handed in this country.
French spys/terrorists come into our country and blow shit up and kill people.

yank spy centres a meany between here and Australia.

There has been a massive influx of extremely rich americans into this country. Hell, several are my clients.

Michael French said…
Stephen Dickson 51 it is.

And why are the Chinese buying Vancouver and Toronto real estate to the point the government had to slap a special tax on "foreign" buyers?

I know...let's all buy land in Tibet....
that'll fuck 'em up.

I hear it's nice there this time of year.....
Jason ON said…
For Stephen Dickson​​:

It's not at all unusual for the U.S. government to announce conclusions about events overseas without releasing the underlying intelligence, to protect the much-talked-about "sources and methods" that the CIA, the NSA, and other agencies utilize. For those who doubt the assertions in the ODNI report – representing the conclusions of all 17 U.S. spy agencies – it's this failure not to disclose the actual data (photographs, phone and other transcripts, debriefings of spies and agents, and the like ) that allows them to say that nothing has been proven. - Latest Russian Hacking Bombshell: Damning Revelations About GOP, Trump
Stephen Dickson said…
When are you guys going to face facts? Your own spy/defense agencies, give them whatever flowery name you want probably don't know the truth about much.
They have been proven time after time after time to lie their collective arses off. I don't think they could even do the truth if it jumped up and bit them on the arse.

About all the rest of the world knows is NEVER EVER believe anything when it comes to america, politics from america, american intelligence. So many lies the truth hasn't got a hope in hell.
Jason ON said…
Stephen Dickson and you have evidence to support your claims?
Stephen Dickson said…
WMDs and Iraq. IS and weapons. israel.

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