The title of this article might as well read Climate Denialist Speaks to Other Climate Denialist About Rising Seas.

The title of this article might as well read Climate Denialist Speaks to Other Climate Denialist About Rising Seas.

Quick poll:

1 - #DonaldTrump does nothing
2 - Donald Trump brags about doing something but doesnt
3 - Donald Trump never follows up


Originally shared by Washington Post

Trump calls mayor of shrinking Chesapeake island and tells him not to worry about it


David Simmons said…
So, Trump told him don't worry because the island been there for hundreds of years. He won't do anything about it, but you should feel good that you got a called from the president. When do the madness stop.
Jerry Mael said…
live low and fight it... or move.
Stephen Holst said…
I just don't understand how the Corp can give two reasons why the island is shrinking yet the residents and the president only feel they need to address one of the reasons.

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