Rand is correct I would gather that many of the left never read the CONSTITUTION. What the Bernie Sanders snowflake did was an actual attack to stop the government take down of the massive child sex trafficking murdering pedophiles within the government it's self. That is why that SCALIA was the intended target. #pizzagate #pedogate #Obama #Podesta #HillaryClinton #Berniesanders #traitors This is the real story. The right to own and bare arms was as is STILL INTENDED to keep America free from a tyrannical government like the one that has been CREATED SINCE it was sold to the bankers because of the bankers not because of one party or political leader. This is the very reason that the Obama Hillary Clinton administration ran such a heavy propaganda brainwashing koolaid media campaign. All of this was and has been PLANNED FROM THE BEGINNING. Soon many natural and man-made disasters are going to begin that will bring not only ALL AMERICANS together but the entire world as well. If I was you i would get prepared NOW AND FAST with the very little time that we all have left to do so.
Are you a terrorist? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-declares-all-atheists-are-terrorists-in-new-law-to-crack-down-on-political-dissidents-9228389.html
Of the two of them, we now know which one Vlad "the Mad" Putin believes is the girl in their relationship. For a "macho macho man" like #DonaldTrump that's going to hurt. #TrumpNation http://www.denverpost.com/2017/09/05/vladmir-putin-donald-trump/