What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and,...

What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and, therefore, turns them off for each new post?

Keep in mind, this is supposed to be "social" media.


Larry Maxwell said…
Steal post and not give credit.

yea, I have been having that issue too. Its only if they add something super profound to the post do i consider resharing.
I get rid of people I can't talk with on posts. It doesn't make sense to me.
Rich G. said…
I keep them until I try to post and comment and then I dump them. It's possible I don't comment as often as I feel like I do so I test it out.

But yeah, I don't feel like staring at a person on a soapbox and hanging on their every word in meatspace or online. They aren't that interesting, regardless of who they are.

There are some celebs I follow and comment on and even though they done react sometimes their followers do, and there is engagement. That is why I'm here. Not to be pedagoged at.(sic)
Larry Maxwell said…
However if they are only preaching crap, then they just get blocked. My theft only happens for posts with linked articles.
Call em out and make them defend themselves!
Larry Maxwell said…
Thomas Tenkely its easier to just let them fall into their bubble and shrivel up and disappear.
Keith Wilson said…
Are they turned off for all posts or just some? For example, I disable comments on posts that have attracted trolls or spammers or when it's no longer a conversation but just 2 people going back and forth with each other about nitpicky stuff that no one else is interested in.
It depends. If it is someone that I have an online relationship with..I consider that there maybe something going on with them that they just don't have the time or energy to monitor for trolls right now. If it goes on for a long time I will PM them to check and see if they are OK or need help.
Good social interaction isn't only about chatting IMHO.
I think Larry Maxwell​ pretty much sums it up for me too.
I hope it's not my posts, wait lemme check! Nope it ain't!
Jason ON said…
I already uncircled Roberto Bayardo​​, but feel free to see if all his posts are blocked from commenting. I know a couple have comments but then commenting is promptly closed, almost as though a comment slipped through between clicking "Post" and using the drop down to disable comments.

It sucks because he's a Buzzer and I don't like uncircling Buzzers.

Thomas Tenkely​, I've done that before and the person getting called out usually jumps straight to victimhood, denial or some explanation on how they don't have time to moderate comments all the time.
Jason ON​
Roberto is busy at google at the moment.
Got to say..I am a bit surprised at your stand on this. He has only closed discussion on some of his posts and it has only been a very few days.
He is too busy to deal with trolls.
He is more than a Buzzer..do you even know what his job is?
Roberto Bayardo said…
Jason ON I have comments set to "circles only" since I was getting entirely too much spam. Since you are in my circles you should be able to comment on my posts (same with you J Stone and Thomas Tenkely). Can you double check that you are unable to comment on my posts? I rarely turn off comments altogether.
Robert Wallis said…
Roberto Bayardo that would be a useful proof that stuff is broken.

A: that a person can't tell if they are circled (in the new UI).
B: that the "how can comment" settings are broken when set.
Jason ON said…
I haven't been able to comment on your stuff for weeks, Roberto Bayardo​. At first I thought it was just that particular post but then I noticed I couldn't comment on any at all. I thought, perhaps, you'd turned commenting off except for specific circles (which apparently you had) but when I perused your stream comments weren't available on any of the posts and I noticed very little interaction from people presumably in your other circles, leading me to believe you might be turning off comments altogether. Which then led me to believe you were using the G+ as a link dumping place.

I apologize to you as it seems I got it all wrong and thank you for coming here to address the commenting situation.
Robert Wallis said…
I switched commenting to Extended Circles for a Page I run a while back, but I think it may be more restrictive than that, as comments are nonexistent.

It's quite difficult to test.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Gah, G+ is a buggy hellhole it seems. I'll probably just have to set it back to public and moderate more aggresively.
Robert Wallis said…
Roberto Bayardo I've escalated.
Roberto Bayardo said…
I've "sent feedback" and am pinging some folks internally about what might be going on. I am wondering if the "following" circle might be ignored when it comes to comment privileges? I've simply been putting everyone in that circle lately since managing circles is too cumbersome, but perhaps the effect was to prevent everyone from commenting :/ Jason ON, just for grins I put you in another circle -- can you see if you can comment now?
Roberto Bayardo said…
OK, someone just told me that "IIRC, "Following" is by default not part of "Your circles". So yeah."

So time to stop using Following for folks I want to comment.

G+ is hard.

Robert Wallis said…
Roberto Bayardo the include or exclude from "Your Circles" setting is missing from the Following circle, so it looks like that may be the case.
Roberto Bayardo
I have been getting occasional "comments disabled"..usually on more potential "hot topics".
Sometimes I have shared things that I thought people might be interested in, but I close comments because for whatever reason I just don't have the ability to participate in or moderate conversation.
I try to be vigilant about keeping abusers under control. A lively discussion or disagreement is one thing..I will not allow people to try to damage each other on my threads.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Yes, Robert Wallis I just noticed that too. It is really confusing because when G+ first came out the first thing I did was create a circle called Following and have been populating it ever since. Had I known it would silently change to "not a circle" I'd have probably named it differently. Now I have almost 1000 people I need to move over :/
Roberto Bayardo said…
My guess is it might take a bit of time to propagate. Maybe ping me tomorrow if it's still not working?
Jason ON said…
Can do, Roberto Bayardo​. Again, thanks for being so understanding.
Roberto Bayardo said…
No prob, I am glad you pinged me so I could get it straightened out.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Robert Wallis I'm afraid the problem may be deeper... I just noticed Thomas Tenkely was in a "real circle" all along and he says he's unable to comment too?
Roberto Bayardo said…
WTF... Definitely a bug here.
Robert Wallis said…
I'll bump some people and try to get it logged.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Just for grins I added you to yet another circle to see if that makes any difference.
Robert Wallis said…
Roberto Bayardo FYI: now I'm seeing the ability to comment.
Roberto Bayardo said…
So yesterday I added you into a brand new circle ... Whereas Jason is in a very old circle I created probably on day 1 of G+ launch. I just added him to the same new circle you are in. If that works, I guess somehow it's this old circle that is broken? (Thomas is also in this very old circle and also can't comment...)
Jason ON said…
Maybe the Circle I was originally in got rusty and wouldn't work properly?
Robert Wallis said…
FYI guys, Google are aware of the issue.

Thanks for your help in bringing this up.

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