I really thought the Leia Organa character would be killed off in Episode 8 just as Han Solo was killed off in 7, as...

I really thought the Leia Organa character would be killed off in Episode 8 just as Han Solo was killed off in 7, as Disney sought to distance itself from the OT as quickly as possible. But, according to this article, Carrie Fisher was slated to return for at least one more installment.



Princess Ruto said…
>distance itself from the OT
Yeah, that's why the good guys are still escaping deserts, gunning down stormtroopers, and blowing up Death Stars after thirty years.
Ghé thăm nhà mình nhé Jason O. Nungesser
CollinGames said…
Well sadly 😭😭 she isn't R.I.P Carrie Fisher
Princess Ruto, perhaps you missed the part of The Force Awakens where those 'good guys' are all brand new.
Princess Ruto said…
Jason O. Nungesser That doesn't mean shit. The story is pure rehash.
Princess Ruto, perhaps - perhaps not. That's up for debate. However, my original post is talking about the characters from the original trilogy and how I thought Disney would be trying to kill them off so they can distanced themselves from George Lucas' storylines as soon as possible; hence the entrance of a newer, younger, cast of characters instead of following the story of Luke Skywalker further.

Your point of the 'good guys' still 'escaping deserts,' 'gunning down stormtroopers' and 'blowing up Death Stars' implies the same characters doing these things, not a new cast.
Wayne Danks said…
Beautifully worded and I think this!Me included by the way,Why do all star wars fans use such big words to say such dum things to each other passive aggressive ridiculousness without doubt I feel I must now leave this little club!

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