This might well be the dumbest thing I see all day and I read political news.

This might well be the dumbest thing I see all day and I read political news. Is Joe Wilcox​​ really trying to claim that a smartphone, any smartphone, is more productive than a laptop?

Quick! Someone, anyone, how many words per minute can you type on an iPhone? Joe claims kids are more used to touch screens, but conveniently forgets that Chromebooks come in touchscreen format. And then there's the nearly $1000 pricetag for the next iPhone, whose technology will still be a few years behind Android, vs. the couple hundred dollars for a top of the line Chromebook.

He also conveniently forgets that Chromebooks beat iPad market share in education a few years ago and no one but Apple has cried over it.


Colin Fahey said…
If Windows 10 mobile can get off the ground it could take over this area as well.
Contrary to "popular" opinion, it's really not that bad of a device.
If the app playing field could be leveled, there would be slot of surprised people out there.
Jason ON said…
Colin Fahey, I enjoyed Win10 (mobile) when I played with it. Nothing wrong with that software at all other than the lack of an app store, but remember when the iWhores also said the same thing about Android?
Colin Fahey said…
Apps are the failings of anything that issnt android or ios.
It's a shame to. There are other awesome OS out there.
Jason ON said…
That's why we need better mobile experiences and less "download our app now."

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