Here's the problem: those who support Trump will vigorously defend him, heedless of any facts or actions he might...

Here's the problem: those who support Trump will vigorously defend him, heedless of any facts or actions he might take. They'll make excuses, tell the rest of us we don't understand or place blame on the media. It will take an interesting turn when (and they will) start claiming accurate reports on Trump are suddenly "fake news."

The only hope for change is that the hundred million Americans who didn't vote on November 9 will come out of the woodwork and vote in 2018, that the media will stop giving Trump a free pass and that alternative fake news will fade into obscurity.


Lorne Thomas said…
He isn't even in office yet, but I do understand the confusion of tools like you., after all Obama got the Nobel peace prize before he was in office, a move that is now widely considered to be a mistake by those who gave it to him.
I can't understand how his supporters don't see this... He's filling the swamp, breaking all kinds of promises, and they still come at people with "but Obama..." like that's relevant.
That's is some impressive cognitive dissonance.
Lorne Thomas said…
Thomas Tenkely like I said, he isn't even in office yet and special snowflakes like you are getting all Hillary Clinton and going full loser every chance you can.
Who said anything about Clinton? Lorne Thomas​​ I'm not sure what echo chamber you live in but read my comment next time.
Lorne Thomas said…
Thomas Tenkely not too good at reading or writing I see, go back and read my first response, snowflake.
Bette Kauffman said…
Lorne Thomas who said anything about HRC except you?
Lorne Thomas said…
Bette Kauffman I see your another special snowflake. My HRC reference because you are functionally illiterate is about being a loser like HRC. Cheers, check YouTube for reading tutorials.
Jason ON said…
Bette Kauffman​ and Thomas Tenkely​, Lorne is a professional asshat (pardon my language). The only reason I haven't blocked him is because I believe he has an inalienable right to embarrass himself.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON you know I call you out on all your bullshit and you use me to know when you've gone too far.
Bette Kauffman said…
Lorne Thomas Hah! Like I said, who said anything about HRC except you? You just reinforced my point. Thanks.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bette Kauffman you really can't read, can you? But then again, that's not too surprising.
Bette Kauffman said…
Lorne Thomas, you just keep proving my point, oh master of finding nasty memes.
Bette Kauffman said…
Here's what I have figured out, Lorne Thomas. You don't get the point or you wouldn't keep proving it. Rail on, my friend, rail on.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bette Kauffman my point is that you are illiterate, that means that you don't know how to read, or understand what you think you have read. carry on. lol.
Bette Kauffman said…
Lorne Thomas that is your claim, and you have provided not one iota of evidence to back it up. At the same time, you have completely missed my point. You haven't the slightest idea why I posed the question I did, and so you are attacking me personally. Classic.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bette Kauffman and what exactly does that have to do with your poor reading comprehension? lol.
Bette Kauffman said…
You can insult me and my reading comprehension from now to the end of time, since you seem to have nothing better to do and clearly no argument or insight on anything of relevance to offer. So have at it, buddy.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bette Kauffman like I said, he ( Donald Trump ) isn't even in office yet and special snow flakes like you are getting all Hillary Clinton ( aka two time loser ) and going full loser every chance you can over Trump.

Let that sink in snowflake.

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