More about #TheDonald.

More about #TheDonald.


MTD said…
I'm guessing this is just the start. Only thing protecting him from The Apprentice tapes are contractual agreements/restrictions
Lorne Thomas said…
Like this has any thing to do with the election, this is nothing but talking points inspired propaganda. Lets talk about Bad boy Bill, lets talk about lying to the FBI over 33 times, lets talk about revealing classified information in a fundraising event and paid speech, let's talk about the illegal destruction of records, how about obstruction of justice, or lets talk about the pay to play that is coming out in the document dumps and leaks. Don't get me wrong, Trump is a real bastard, but in this unfortunate situation that we face thanks to the DNC and HRC running a rigged election so we don't have a Sanders Trump race, we are left with one choice and that is Trump. The other houses of government will keep him in check until the next election.
David Kutcher said…
Lorne Thomas everything you've mentioned, if it happened and was proven, would be jail time. All have been investigated. No charges, no jail. So what you're doing is spouting disproven b.s.
Jason ON said…
He does that a lot so I pretty much just ignore him, David Kutcher​. For example, in the same comment above, Lorne says Trump's history isn't relevant to the election, but somehow Hillary's husband's past is? He never makes any sense.
Gord Wait said…
He should give Trump (or Putin?) His troll money back. Lame.

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