Beaumont, TX is also the home of the no-dance policy in Kevin Bacon's Footloose.

Beaumont, TX is also the home of the no-dance policy in Kevin Bacon's Footloose. That town is living up to it's reputation as being a place that derides free expression.

Originally shared by Marla Caldwell

After young 11 and 12-year-boys of the Beaumont Bulls football knelt during the anthem to protest police violence against Black youth, their local executive board canceled their entire football season, suspended the coaching staff, and threatened to arrest their parents if they attended any future games, practices or events. This is board is reinforcing that police violence in our communities doesn’t matter and that speaking out on them makes you subject to punishment. We need to support the fight of these children and show them that their protest is heard.



Dave Maez said…
Technically, the fictional town in Footloose was Bomont. Not to take away from Beaumont's shittiness.

I had some college roommates from Arkansas who claimed to know of towns in Arkansas that actually did have bans on dancing, however.
Jason ON said…
Well, you misspell it to save yourself any legal issues.

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