Okay, so #DonaldTrump is at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds today.
Okay, so #DonaldTrump is at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds today. For giggles I decided to come down and see if reality matched what they show on those nightly news shows.
I just parked about a mile away, the closest parking I could find. I'm walking to the rally and so far everyone seems normal. Only one person in any sort of costume.
Just spoke to an Australian man who said he's been to a few Trump rallies, even (last night?) in Colorado Springs.
We'll see how it goes.
I just parked about a mile away, the closest parking I could find. I'm walking to the rally and so far everyone seems normal. Only one person in any sort of costume.
Just spoke to an Australian man who said he's been to a few Trump rallies, even (last night?) in Colorado Springs.
We'll see how it goes.
Be safe
The local sheriff's deputy said Trump will e eventually come outside.
Now I'm hearing "drain the swamp" chanting. Whatever that means.
Now he's calling Obama a liar.
Lookin' good at the Trump rally Jason ON ! I dunno how you could smile there! :-)
Now chanting of "Build that wall!"
So far, aside from one wackado taunting the very few protestors, everyone's been super nice and courteous.
I told the people next to me, "Oh no, it's like he has a job."
They giggled.
I stopped taking photos and started live streaming the protestors and anti-protestors on Periscope.
To the best of my knowledge Trump never came outside.
Mist more lies of reality.
She began screaming at me that Politifact is funded by none other than Liberal elite George Soros and that I didn't know what I was talking about.
Apparently, neither did she.
politifact.com - Inside the Meters: Who is PolitiFact? Who pays for Politifact? | PolitiFact
I declined, letting them known I'm not a Christian.
Jason ON's version of How not to make friends. ;)
Looks like Hillary isn't coming back to Colorado before the election, deciding to spend more time in red states: