Okay, so #DonaldTrump is at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds today.

Okay, so #DonaldTrump is at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds today. For giggles I decided to come down and see if reality matched what they show on those nightly news shows.

I just parked about a mile away, the closest parking I could find. I'm walking to the rally and so far everyone seems normal. Only one person in any sort of costume.

Just spoke to an Australian man who said he's been to a few Trump rallies, even (last night?) in Colorado Springs.

We'll see how it goes.


Jason ON said…
Just saw my first Hillary for Prison shirt.
Jason ON said…
Just heard a couple of guys discussing how Hillary supporters are "hateful people. Under the guise of equality ..."
MTD said…
Will be interested to see your observations. I'd wager they are like my brother, hypocritical Christian with a affinity towards firearms, while getting government assistance.
Jason ON said…
So, apparently the facility has reached capacity and they're no longer letting people in, even ticketed people.

The local sheriff's deputy said Trump will e eventually come outside.

Now I'm hearing "drain the swamp" chanting. Whatever that means.
Jason ON said…
Trump's on. Telling people to vote.

Now he's calling Obama a liar.
Jason ON said…
Now he's talking about the "corrupt" voting system "rigged" against him.
Jason ON said…
Repeal Obamacare brings big applause.
Jason ON said…
Chanting of "Lock her up!"
Jason ON said…
Still talking about Hillary and not policy.
Do we know what he's going to do as President? Not really... we know how much he hates Hillary... yup. His stupid rallies are nothing more than hating on her. SO STUPID!!!!!!!
Jason ON said…
Still talking about a "rigged" system and Hillary.
Why does my mom watch Trump on TV? She watches him to yell at him... ::sigh:: LOL

Lookin' good at the Trump rally Jason ON ! I dunno how you could smile there! :-)
Jason ON said…
Just ran across a friend of mine. Per her, she's also here to see the carnival that is a Trump rally, but to be honest, it's been fairly tame.
Jason ON said…
Still talking about Hillary and the "rigged" system sprinkled with strong doses of "political corruption."
Jason ON said…
Just saw a 4/5 year old girl wearing a pink shirt with "Deplorable Me Supports Trump."
Jason ON said…
Kicking radical (notice the "radical") Muslims out of the country got big cheers.

Now chanting of "Build that wall!"
Jason ON said…
This vendor just had some hats fall off his cart and a guy stopped, picked up the hats and returned them, "Hey man, these hats fell off."

So far, aside from one wackado taunting the very few protestors, everyone's been super nice and courteous.
Jason ON said…
Every time Trump says "Anthony Weiner" the crowd giggles. But hey, he's talking about getting rid of all regulation, so it's all good, right?
Jason ON said…
The good news is Trump keeps telling people to vote.
Jason ON said…
Trump talking about hard it is to campaign. "I have to get up at 6AM and (do things)." Woe is me

I told the people next to me, "Oh no, it's like he has a job."

They giggled.
Jason ON said…
So, I'm standing by the protestors and now the crowd is becoming outrageous. Flipping the protestors off, screaming, saying disparaging things. JeffCo Sheriff's deputies are doing good at crown control.
Jason ON said…
Stayed until the way end to watch the crazies start to harass the whole 7/8 protestors.
Bodhipaksa said…
Thanks for these updates.
Jason ON said…
I'm walking the mile or so back to my vehicle. All in all it was a pretty benign affair until the crowds were released from their Trump watching and became aware of the handful of protestors. Some, like me, were merely watching the spectacle, while others were actively egging the protestors. And by "egging" I mean the aforementioned flipping the birds, shouts of FU and other anti-Hillary chants that are popular this year. A few tried to push up on the protestors or grab at their signs but the attending police officers kept the peace and for that I had to congratulate them.

I stopped taking photos and started live streaming the protestors and anti-protestors on Periscope.

To the best of my knowledge Trump never came outside.
Jason ON said…
Vendor, and Trump supporter, out selling on the side of the street. He's pro-Trump because Hillary will take us to war with Russia, apparently. She's not going to appease Russia like Trump will.

Peter Szakaly said…
Hi Jason you only
Mist more lies of reality.
John Bump said…
Man, I can find 'hillary for prison' bumperstickers on a third of the cars at my workplace. sigh
I live in the boonies in Upstate, NY and people here come to buy apples and LOVE TRUMP! It's sooooo gross.
Jason ON said…
Some woman at the rally became very incensed when I informed her that Politifact gave Trump something like 70-75% lie rate while Clinton came in at 25%. (Note: I didn't verify the numbers but heard them earlier today on the radio)

She began screaming at me that Politifact is funded by none other than Liberal elite George Soros and that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Apparently, neither did she.
politifact.com - Inside the Meters: Who is PolitiFact? Who pays for Politifact? | PolitiFact
Jason ON said…
Is it me, or are all the photos taken from within the G+ app of extremely poor resolution?
Too bad you couldn't find that while she was standing by you. I hate when people know nothing and argue it.
Jason ON said…
These guys tried to use their banner to block the protestors but the sheriff's deputies made them move.
WHAT? Family court and CPS kidnap children? If they are doing their job they move children to better homes, and the people holding up that sign should be looked into... heh.
Amanda Blain said…
This was fascinating.. thank you ;)
Jason ON said…
There was a "Christian voter" group there trying to get pledges from Christians to vote this year since "40 million Christians didn't vote last time."

I declined, letting them known I'm not a Christian.

Jason ON's version of How not to make friends. ;)

Looks like Hillary isn't coming back to Colorado before the election, deciding to spend more time in red states:

I'm very good at not making friends!!! :-D
Thanks for sharing your experience.!

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