I don't know if this is supposed to be satire or if this Michael Nunez (author) really had such shallow friends that...

I don't know if this is supposed to be satire or if this Michael Nunez (author) really had such shallow friends that the color of a message bubble can make or break friendships.


Bodhipaksa said…
I read this last night and it seemed incredibly weird. I feel like I live in a different universe from some other people.
Brandy Ellis said…
Given that the image source is fakephonetext.com I'm guessing this is fake.
Bodhipaksa said…
That's not necessarily the case, Brandy Ellis. It's possible that an editor created the image from the author's account of his exchange.
Jason ON said…
Or used an image he found on the interwebz instead of a screenshot of his own or a friend's conversation. Remember, he as a Nexus not an iPhone, so he wouldn't be able to show the green bubbles from his own app.
Bodhipaksa said…
That's so obvious I can't believe I didn't think of it, Jason ON!
David Simmons said…
I remember when my daughter got an iPhone, when she got text her boyfriend he text her back asking what model iPhone she got. She was wondering how he knew she got a new iPhone.
Zammi Kahan said…
Gizmodo​​ I'm not sure if it is a made up story, a paid article or a true story, but it clearly address an important issue. Extract of the story tells how people's vulnerabilities to sensitive matters in life are misused or how made up brand loyalty is making people slaves without right to choose what they want.
Anyway I wish the author all the best; wish him he get courage to build up his personality.
Jason ON said…
You are getting way too deep for this shallow subject matter, Zammi Kahan​. ;)

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