Is the school right here, or the parents?

Is the school right here, or the parents? Should a service dog be available to a student even if the school has made other, reasonable, accommodations?

Keep in mind, just about all lower courts have decided against individuals and parents in these sorts of cases.


Dog over any other reasoning..always. Period.
Ronnie Boadi said…
Sounds like a stubborn person working at the school hated dogs more than they loved kids. Even the school district kinda admit that they aren't fighting this because they think they re right, quite the opposite, because they think that they'll end up in court all the frikkin time for other terrible decisions of a similar nature:

"But the school district, backed by the National School Boards Association, argues that to allow such suits could cost school districts millions of dollars. They note that 6 million disabled children are covered by the law that guarantees individualized special education for disabled children"

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