Let's not think about the horrendous details in this article for a second and focus on the policy that begat this...
Let's not think about the horrendous details in this article for a second and focus on the policy that begat this situation.
[1] The 14 year old girl was raped by a family member.
[2] She felt "too embarrassed" to come forward and report the rape and subsequent pregnancy.
Okay, the first charge is still an allegation as no conviction has been made against her relative, the alleged rapist.
But this is Texas where sex education is a sin and abortions can only be had after jumping through dozens of hoops, especially for children and even considering rape or incest.
[3] Five to eight months after the attack the 14 year old girl couldn't hide her pregnancy any more and her family found out.
Again, what kind of environment is Texas breeding where a victim of rape is too embarrassed to come forward, especially when a pregnancy occurs?
[4] Her family fed her Plan-B pills.
This is months later. Plan-B isn't going to solve anything. Again proving how ineffective Texas' sexual education programs are.
[5] They gave her cinnamon.
What is this, folklore for fools? Is this what Texas wants, a population that thinks cinnamon will terminate an eight month pregnancy?
[6] So, her family members beat her. For at least 6 hours!
Instead of coming forward with the rape; instead of beating the alleged rapist; instead of seeking help of any kind they decided to beat a fourteen year old scared girl. Why? Because they didn't want CPS to take the other children.
[7] Then, to hide the evidence they burned the stillborn infant. On a BBQ grill.
Is there not a drop of morality or decency in a single member of that family?
[1] The 14 year old girl was raped by a family member.
[2] She felt "too embarrassed" to come forward and report the rape and subsequent pregnancy.
Okay, the first charge is still an allegation as no conviction has been made against her relative, the alleged rapist.
But this is Texas where sex education is a sin and abortions can only be had after jumping through dozens of hoops, especially for children and even considering rape or incest.
[3] Five to eight months after the attack the 14 year old girl couldn't hide her pregnancy any more and her family found out.
Again, what kind of environment is Texas breeding where a victim of rape is too embarrassed to come forward, especially when a pregnancy occurs?
[4] Her family fed her Plan-B pills.
This is months later. Plan-B isn't going to solve anything. Again proving how ineffective Texas' sexual education programs are.
[5] They gave her cinnamon.
What is this, folklore for fools? Is this what Texas wants, a population that thinks cinnamon will terminate an eight month pregnancy?
[6] So, her family members beat her. For at least 6 hours!
Instead of coming forward with the rape; instead of beating the alleged rapist; instead of seeking help of any kind they decided to beat a fourteen year old scared girl. Why? Because they didn't want CPS to take the other children.
[7] Then, to hide the evidence they burned the stillborn infant. On a BBQ grill.
Is there not a drop of morality or decency in a single member of that family?