People suck.

People suck.

Originally shared by Christian S


Jason ON said…
I tease my 10 year old Rufus all the time about trading him in on a younger model, but I never would.
Tom McGill said…
It sucks, but the bottom line is that humans and dogs are divergent in needs.  Dogs need large spaces, a job, and "packs" at a young age.  None of these are what we gives dogs anymore.

They are the "best friend" but they are also work animals.  They aren't designed to be kept at home, 12 hours a day by themselves.  

This is why I don't have a dog.  It would be cruel.
iquanyin said…
Tom McGill not all dogs are working dogs or sporting dogs. those do need stuff to do and hella exercise. but sltake pugs, for example. they not only don't need large spaces, the actually don't have the hardware to do a lot of running around. they are highly social and what /pugs/ need is company. dog breeds vary widely, and there is a breed to match pretty much any owner. just FYI.
Tom McGill said…
Iquanyin Moon You do not understand much about the nature of the animals then.  This is why so many go abused through neglect and ignorance.  Just FYI.  (You might want to take a course in animal behaviour before opening your mouth to someone that might know a little bit about the subject).
iquanyin said…
Tom McGill​ um, I grew up in a family raising dogs. (not a puppy mill, a family.) I personally had a dog cat rabbit rats mice horses guineau pigs....I freaking train dogs (or did) and /without/ they typical semi-abusive methods some employ. I also can train a horse from scratch. western, English, trail. the wall of ribbons I won growing up in ghymkhana stood till my grandfather died.
iquanyin said…
Tom McGill​ its awesome that you care about animals! but its stupid to think someone sharing a new (to you) fact means they know nothing. I personally owned a pug in Oregon, a stray my friend found and I took in. that's how I came to read up on that particular breed. where on earth do you get the idea all dogs are alike? they aren't. but hey, lets hear about pugs from the American kennel club, shall we?
iquanyin said…
note: unlike many people, I don't talk out my ass online.

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